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I truly enjoyed this game and I see a bright future for the later developments of the game. Maybe there could be some sort of leveling system with upgrades to your boat and harpoon, combine this with multiplay and I think people would spend hours on this game.


While I may not have great harpoon aim, What Lives Below is definitely a game with potential. While I'd like to see it go open world, similar to Shadow of the Colossus, the level based setup works well enough for a smaller game. The art style is fantastic during the fights, creating such a dramatic atmosphere, especially during the worm(?) fight. The music was pretty good as well, although it did feel a bit on the peaceful side when I got to the bird. Overall, this was a good time with a fair challenge.

Good job, dev.

Seems like a good game but it keeps crashing.



amazing game! Love that you guys showed what can be made with unity! one thing i would like to suggest is that you show a diagram of the creature first to show its weakpoints

Deleted 1 year ago

or just a pop up screen with the diagram of the monster

I cant even get past the first monster thingy


git gud

Water is already my biggest fear...and i decided to play this, BIG MISTAKE! Great game Coming From STEB
(2 edits) (-1)

Developer Can You add Multiplayer Plz It Would Be so Funnn I Beg I Will Pay 60 I Love The Game Plzzzzzzzzzzz


i thought the eel or whatever on the thumbnail was a banana

The installer wont run. Did I install wrong or do I need a better graphics card to play?

Hey, what platform are you on?

I am on windows 10 gt1030

Does anything happen when you run the .exe? Have you made sure to extract everything in the zip folder?

Never mind I just didn't have the app installed


Great work on the game it's kinda funny I had a lot of trouble with the first boss ~1h of work and then aced the others still an amazing game, things I would add

+ more settings / customisability

+ more bosses (duh)

+ more boat customisation 

+ more tools

; note

I know its in development but just gotta say It's amazing

very immersive graphics.

(3 edits) (+1)

I love this game so much!

Very emersive


Very good game. One of the most beautiful games I've seen on this platform. Each monster is completely unique with different attacks and abilities. My favorite was the phoenix firebird. The one I thought was a little lackluster was the Octopus. There wasn't too much with that monster and there weren't any scenery changes. Each creature took me a little bit to beat and learning each level was fun. This is a fantastic game and would pay good money for a full game. 9.7/10

(2 edits) (+1)

For anyone looking at this page and not sure, this is a boat you should board, it's going places. A great achievement, lots of gameplay and so much promise.  Check out the review if you need more convincing.

What Lives Below Review - Chasing XP


This is an epic game so far, although I agree with DarkMirror that the dock is kinda useless right now, so I came up with an idea for how the dock could be used to repair your boat:

TL;DR: You'd only be able to repair your boat up to a certain amount of points and have a limited amount of points to use to repair your boat, e.g. only up to 4/5 points with 6 repair points max. You could use that to add different difficulties with different amounts of points per difficulty. There are several other ways to change the difficulty however, such as changing boss damage, speed or damage resistance/health, although those might add too much complexity to the game. There wouldn't be much of a need for a safe zone around the dock if repairs were just as simple as spamming E once you dock.

Full post:

It's as simple as it sounds: you come back to the dock and can get your boat fixed. However, there are some conditions to make it not too overpowered. You can either A) only repair it up to a certain point, B) have a limited number of points you can use to repair it, or C) a combination of the two.

For example: A) You can repair your boat an unlimited amount of times, but you can only repair it up to 3 points out of 5. (That still might be too overpowered, one of the other options would be better.) B) You can repair your boat up to 5/5 points, but you only have say, 8 (or less) points to use. C) You can only repair your boat up to 4/5 points, and you only have 6 points to use.

I like option C the best. It gives you the option of fixing your boat while being the least overpowered in my opinion. You could also use this to adjust difficulty, where the example I listed is normal mode, easy would be 4.5/5 and 7 points,  hard would be 3.5/5 and 5 points, extra hard would be 3/5 and 4 points, and daredevil would be no repairs at all.

In addition to the repairs to adjust difficulty, you could also make the boss to more or less damage depending on the difficulty, or maybe the boss is a bit faster or slower depending on the difficulty, or maybe the boss takes less damage depending on the difficulty. Again, all that might take away from the nice simplicity of the game in its current state.

I'm debating whether or not to make the dock a "safe zone," where the boss will not attack you while you're within a certain range of the dock. Perhaps you could make it so that if you attack the boss while in the safe zone, that zone becomes unsafe and the boss will attack you, plus you can't land a critical hit while in the safe zone. That would be too easy of a way to do a ton of damage.

I think a better idea instead of the safe zone is that the repairs are super fast so that you could just dock, spam E, and then leave. 


Thanks for all the feedback and ideas! Repairing is definitely something that needs balancing and fixing as it is way too OP in its current state...


This was AMAZING I loved this in every way. The music boss and atmosphere all came together perfectly! I didn't want to stop playing so far i got past the first boss! I love challenging games like this where there is nothing but boss battles and cant wait to see the full game! Here's my playthrough if you wanna see! OH also i teleported out of the boat twice and the first boss got stuck on a rock but other then that it went really good! 

The game cool but it is to hard   


this game is actually fun so 10/10

Hey, bug report. I teleported on and off the boat a few times and suddenly I could no longer walk forward past the middle of the boat to get to the front, also I could walk sideways through the boat over the sea. I think I wasn't colliding with the ground properly but I'm not sure. I had to watch a let's play to see where I was supposed to go and restart the game, after which I wasn't blocked anymore.

I can't beat this game but it's so much fun and really pretty, its a great game 




me and a friend played this (separately) we had a lot of fun playing it but it would be even better if it was multiplayer. please and thank you 


That's actually a great idea. Player 1 will steer the boat while Player 2 hits the enemy and repairs the engine.

This game is amazing I'd love to see it get multiplayer 

Muy bueno



this is such a good game keep up the good work!!!


I love this game


i first tried everything


I know that this would be very hard, but VR?


It would be funner if I was any good at anything


This game is getting better and better! Full game yet?

DARK SOULS but on a boat!!! o.o LOVE IT!

2nd BOSS!!!

This is a really awesome idea - I love the concept and the approach!
However, I did run into some pretty major bugs and UX issues.

Some suggestions:
1) Game controls: Use the mouse wheel to change items (weapon/repair tool)
2) Use the RMB to zoom in. It feels more natural and easier to control than scrolling your mouse wheel.
3) The UI hints dont seem to always pop up (telling you how to steer, accelerate and so on) - so my first play through involved me not knowing how to get out the harpoon.
4) My boat's life is....strange. On my first playthrough (after figuring out the harpoon) I lasted for ages before suddenly capsizing, but the second playthough my boat died after one collision.
5) Hitting rocks doesn't seem to damage the boat (that I can tell)
6) Maybe put a life bar for your boat on the HUD (or maybe even have it on your steering controls next to the radar?)
7) The dock at the beginning is cool but seems pointless. Maybe put some World Info there? Like a poster saying "Giant Fish wanted! £1000 reward!"
And have the core controls there?
8) The music had some issues, like there were two songs playing at once.  Its nice, but might need a little bit of work.

Over all, like I said, awesome game concept that could do with a few tweaks! :)


quite alright!


vraiment le jeux est incroyable j'ai vraiment aimé🔥👏💙 

Is this normal

You can try update your graphics drivers, worked for some other people. If that doesn’t work try turning the graphics settings to lowest. :)

i did but its still there

I think it's just a mac problem mac sucks af

gonna play thins when i get my own windows


I kinda felt sad killing the animal i this game
(1 edit)

uhhhhhhhhh this happened to me while I got the closest I've ever gotten :(     ( sorry bad quality i forgot i had unreal engine open while recording)

(1 edit) (+1)

same thing happened to me

(1 edit) (+1)

Whoa,  dude this game is absolutely incredible I make games myself (none on yet) and this is absolutely breathtaking, I mean I've seen much much worse games from AAA titles. The art style and gameplay are just amazing. sure there are some glitches and bugs here and there but hey it's a prototype.  keep up the good work man (sorry bad Grammar I live in Sweeden and not great english)

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