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Played this game a few years ago, awesome graphics and gameplay and honestly a bit scary at times. I've always loved Lovecraftian games so this is a 5-star for me. Only thing I could complain about is how long its been only a prototype, but I know its gonna be a banger when it comes out on Steam or Itch.

the game is fantastic but i didnt complete it bc when i am dead it returned me to the 1st place in the game it will be more better if u did respawns

What are you talking about? When you die you respawn at the start of the level and sail to the boss and start the fight again. I agree that a respawn near boss would be better, but we can only hope for the release version to fix it.


Just finished playing. Overall a very good experience, although there are some rough parts.

First boss is near perfect, although can be a bit harder.

Second boss just broke for me and only attacked while I was under stone ark. For my friend the boss worked, but he ended up staying between rocks and shooting him, also he complained about lack of attack indicators, for example he suggested adding specific sound to tentacles.

Third boss is visually brilliant although attacking it is hard which makes fight way too long, you can shoot 20 harpoons and hit just one, also first phase can be a bit confusing.

Fourth boss was very disappointing for me. While this fight can be very epic, bad technical execution led to frustration, I've spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to start the fight, then got stuck in the boss, and later with his speed it was pure frustration trying to cut in front of him while getting  cannons down. My suggestion - make him slower and somehow fix boat getting stuck in him and overall being uncontrollable near him due to waves and his size.

For future suggestions: 

More mechanics like ship shutdown(e. g. permanent health damage that can be reverted to healable if you stunt yourself but you have to get it in the right moment otherwise you will be damaged even more),

More fight mechanics, probably something more than harpoon, because this game really holds potential for many mechanics that you should balance during battle.

Double bosses. Honestly I hoped fourth boss would be like two first but with more attacks for example. As proof of concept I suggest checking out Ultrakill level 0-5 playthrough to see how the concept can work well. (Also check out 7-4 level playthrough to see what I use as reference when thinking about improving fourth boss)

Hope you would think about implementing at least some of those, and thank you for making this game.

LIGHTNING?!?!? ARE YOU SERIOUS? man stressfull fun, kinda addicting. Keep it up.

I found a bug where if you time a harpoon throw precisely you can trick the game and get outside the ship, but for some reason you still follow it.

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but other than that it's still a great game!

Had same bug happen to me, the player still follows the boat because it is attached to it as a child object, basically what it means is that player has it's own coordinates and boat is zero in them, so player copies movements of boat and can add it's own movements (basically boat speed is x and it is constant for player, and player speed is y, and they add up). Hope this clears it up.

Ohh I Get it!

this is one of the best Indie games I’ve seen so far. Amazing graphics, gameplay and overall enjoyment. Solid effort 👍🏻 

in terms of graphics and open-world gameplay, this is better than GTA V

See, this kind of quality is exactly why I play indie games.

Fun game with amazing visuals!

I didn't meet the first boss after a long time, like maybe 10 minutes and I needed to watch the video provided in the description and I went to the wrong direction? I went forward cause I didn't know where to go, but I should have gone to the right like in the video. So yeah. 

btw beautiful game, I enjoyed it, still I haven't beat the first boss, maybe I never will


(3 edits)

thertres a whole ton of random stuff on my screen like dots or  sqaures and they a black WTH is happening

It kinda look like a glitch effect i'll add an image if you'd like i'm on mac so its a mac problem maybe oh nvm it seems that the screenshot is too big

if you have the quality too high it bugs out certain texts, lower it and it should be fixed


i did a live stream on this game, it was epic! got lost in a few bits but figured it out with a short tutorial, 10/10 id play mnore games by u!

How do I agrow the turtle? I can't seem to agrow them by shooting them.

you must hit the broken part of the arches

 to get him mad, do it again for stage two to occur, watch out he does try to eat and chase you for a minute after breaking the arch over his head, for stage two use bo0mb harpoons to slowly inactivate his defense turrets, then its just down to how many times u can hit him with harpoons, it takes ages so don't give up!

this game would be the most perfect thing ever if it was multiplayer, not a suggestion, just saying.

Iam playing  subnautica below zero right now and so just had to check it out  had fun with this game great game 

Wasn't sure what to make of this one at first, but holy shit it's a wild ride so far!

(1 edit)

A game that can be summed up with "I don't get paid enough to deal with this." 10/10

gives me Subnautica vibes

the game was very well made and i might make a part 2 on it.

Superb game! Good luck with the steam release!

Очень классная игра, физика воды очень понравилась, я плавал и кайфовал. Единственное что не понравилось, я не мог понять ка достать гарпун первые 2 минуты охоты на монстра(возможно я проглядел кусок обучения), если нет то было бы полезно добавить информацию о инвентаре в обучение  ) 


I found someone who seems to be reuploading your game for money...


seems like it got taken down

(1 edit) (+2)

Hell yeah! The account got taken down too!

Deleted 32 days ago

this game is so fun but not long enough i would love to see the game get more boss the game also look really nice and feels like an AAA game :

Amazing game, so unique but familiar at the same time. It reminds me of Shadow of Colossus, if it took place over an ocean and the horse was a boat. I'd love to see this game get more attention and development. A lot of potential, and fun challenges to be had. Keep up the great work!!

Was super fun, had a glitch where i went into the turtles mouth and thought it was part of the boss fight lol


Just made a little script for those on Mac to fix the executable. Link:


  • Open Terminal
  • Paste the whole script
  • Press enter

Hope that it works!

This game is amazing! I can't wait to see more content.

(3 edits)

For any other Mac users who have the “Can’t run app” error. I found a fix. (It may not work on all Macs)

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Go to the .app
  3. Right click -> Show Package Contents -> Contents
  4. Open Terminal.
  5. Type “chmod 755 “ (with ending space)
  6. Drag the MacOS folder from Finder onto Terminal.
  7. Add “/What\ Lives\ Below\ Demo” to the command (See Command below)
  8. Press enter
  9. Right click on the application (the .app)
  10. Press Open
  11. Press Open (Because it may ask you about unidentified developers)

(Command) The Terminal command should be something like: “chmod 755 /Applications/”

Tested on Mac OS Catalina

This has been said before, but just clarifying it

(1 edit)

Does anyone know what the random glaciers are for? They don’t seem to have collision with spears.


How to kill the bird?

In first phase use explosive spears to break the pillars by him when he lands, second phase lob those spears and good luck

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I really like this game


for the seccond linux user to play this game "press any key" means press esc leave the game (dont close) and enter back

wild game its so fun cant wait for more content


(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

please finish this game

and PLEASE add multiplayer and controller functionality

it would be so cool if someone was driving and someone was shooting

Crazy game for one person looks like an AAA game

Important little bug report here: on my second attempt the second boss lost his rocks and the ability to attack, as well as seemingly the ability to die.

I can't stress enough how phenomenal this game is. The mechanics, the graphics, the aesthetic, the creature design... All it's missing is a little radio in the boat to keep the player entertained while they sail to the next location. Do that, fix the minor issues like how you can't really tell how far away your spear is, how the boat doesn't seem to want to let you take control sometimes, or how the boat speeds off in whichever direction you were accelerating last if you don't let it come to a complete stop first and you've got yourself some gold. 


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